Join us on Tuesday, October 1st from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Childcare provided. Bring a dish to share.
Register by Sept 22nd.

If this is your first time, you will need to create a Sign Up Genius account:
1. Click the Registration link.
2. At the top right, click login
3. Scroll down and click on "New Account"
4. Enter your information and then you will receive an email to confirm your account.
5. Click the link above again and log in.
6. Before you click RSVP, please look at the listed food items needed and see if you can help with an item.
7. Click RSVP, and enter info in for you and any childcare needed. In the "Public Comments" section, enter in the name and age of your child. (Ex. Ben -2)
8. Then below you will see where you can sign up for the food items.  In the "My Comment" section, type the specific dish you're bringing. (Ex. Taco Meat)
9. Click RSVP. You will be able to edit your RSVP anytime by clicking on the link above or from your email and logging in.